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摘要:思维导图是可视化的知识表征工具,也是一种将放射性深思具体化的策略。以思维导图工具和基于思维可视化理念引入教育领域以来,已在教育教学历程中产生了积极的影响。它已成为进展和培养学生的思维品质,激发、引导学生的创造性思维的重要工具。而英语单词是学习英语的基础,也是学好英语的关键,然而记忆单词难已成为制约学生学习英语的主要障碍,本论文试图运用思维导图辅助英语单词的记忆。通过设计符合小学生认知习惯的英语单词导图,论文实践探讨了思维导图在推动小学生英语单词记忆方面的有效性。本论文共分五部分:第一部分:主要阐述了本探讨的背景,探讨的目的和探讨的实际作用。第二部分:全面收集和系统整理了国内外有关思维导图和概念图的探讨进展,并探讨了二者和单词记忆的结合点,并对相关重点概念,如思维导图、概念图、单词、记忆、英语单词导图等做了界定。通过对文献进行剖析,深入了解了本课题涉及领域的探讨近况,并且以论述上阐述了思维导图和英语单词记忆相结合的可行性。第三部分:摸索出了一套设计英语单词导图的规范和策略,并对英语单词导图在课堂上的运用积累了较为丰富详实的案例资源。按照单词导图的结构形式及单词间的联系,在思维导图的制作历程中,我们总结出了英语单词导图的五种结构构图和三种内容构图,供学生绘制英语单词导图时参考。第四部分:通过实验验证了思维导图推动小学生单词记忆的有效性,并对实验结果进行解释,利用描述统计的策略及SPSS for Windows统计软件和Excel办公软件对所得数据进行处理。通过实验发现:1、思维导图有助于提升单词拼写的正确率;2、思维导图有助于提升单词的提取和再现的数量;3、英语单词导图有助于改善学生的学习习惯,并提升小学生学习英语单词的兴趣。第五部分:总结了整个探讨的经验和不足,并提出了后续探讨课题。关键词:思维导图论文英语单词导图论文记忆论文教学对策论文
List of Tables11-12
List of Figures12-13
List of Charts13-15
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction15-21
1.1 Background of the research15-17
1.2 Purpose of the research17
1.3 Significance of the research17-21
1.3.1 The theoretical basis of mind mapping17-19
1.3.2 The practical apppcation significance of mind mapping19-21
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review21-35
2.1 Overseas research summary21-23
2.2 Domestic research summary23-26
2.3 Concept Definition26-30
2.3.1 Mind Mapping26-27
2.3.2 Concept Mapping27-28
2.3.3 Differences between mind mapping and concept mapping28-29
2.3.4 Words and memory29-30
2.3.5 Engpsh word mapping30
2.4 Theoretical basis30-35
2.4.1 Theory about brain science30-31
2.4.2 The processing-level theory of memory31-32
2.4.3 Theory of Knowledge Visuapzation32
2.4.4 Spreading Activation Models32-33
2.4.5 Theory of Constructivi33-35
Chapter Ⅲ Design of Engpsh Word Mapping35-52
3.1 Elements of design Engpsh word mapping35-36
3.1.1 Teaching goal35
3.1.2 Students' characteristics35-36
3.1.3 Characteristics of Engpsh words36
3.2 Design of Engpsh word mapping36-40
3.2.1 The design concept of Engpsh word mapping36-38
3.2.2 Elements of Engpsh word mapping38-40
3.3 Drawing method of Engpsh word mapping40
3.4 The five structure compositions of Engpsh word mapping40-48
3.4.1 Close Figure41-42
3.4.2 Chain Figure42-44
3.4.3 Graphic Formula44-46
3.4.4 Radiation Figure46-47
3.4.5 Hierarchy Scheme47-48
3.5 Three content compositions of Engpsh word mapping48-52
3.5.1 Spelpng structure map48-50
3.5.2 Classification map50
3.5.3 Free association map50-52
Chapter Ⅳ Research Methodology52-88
4.1 Experiment Design52-57
4.1.1 Experimental Hypothesis52
4.1.2 Choice of participants52-54 Choice of experimental class52-53 Test on memory abipty53-54
4.1.3 Experimental Methods54-57 Design of contrast experiment54-55 Design of questionnaires55-56 Design of interview56-57
4.2 Experimental process57-58
4.2.1 Pre-experiment preparation57
4.2.2 Implementation of experiment57-58
4.3 Data test and analysis58-65
4.3.1 Comparison of test on words dictation59-62
4.3.2 Term-end results contrast62-63
4.3.3 Comparison on results of words dictation63-65
4.4 Data analysis of questionnaire65-74
4.4.1 Prophase questionnaire data and analysis65-66
4.4.2 Later stage questionnaire data and analysis66-74
4.5 Analysis on interview data74-79
4.5.1 Pre-experiment Interview74-76
4.5.2 Post-experiment Interview76-79 Post-experiment interviews on students76-78 Interview of teachers in the later period of the experiment78-79
4.6 Teaching case and analysis79-88
4.6.1 Teaching background79-80
4.6.2 Teaching case80-88 Classroom implementation background80-82 Classroom records82-85 Summarization and introspection85-88
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion88-92
5.1 Major findings88-89
5.2 Limitation89-91
5.3 Suggestions for future research91-92
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire for Pupils Pre-experiment98-99
Appendix Ⅱ Questionnaire for Pupils Post-experiment99-101
Appendix Ⅲ Memory Testing Scale (for teachers)101-103
Appendix Ⅳ Memory Testing Scale (for pupils)103-106
Appendix Ⅴ The outpne of interview for teachers106-107
Appendix Ⅵ The outpne of post-experiment interview for pupils107-108
Appendix Ⅶ Mind Mappings in the Experiment108-120

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