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[摘要] 目的 观察静脉滴定治疗中重度癌痛的疗效及不良反应。 方法 选取13例中重度癌痛住院患者进行静脉滴定,每15分钟通过疼痛数字分级法(NRS)评价患者疼痛变化程度,记录和处理其不良反应,调整静脉用药剂量,24 h后统计静脉累计剂量,通过与控缓释剂阿片类镇痛药物的剂量转换,改用口服剂型或透皮剂维持镇痛。 结果 在所有静脉滴定患者中,在0~3 h内疼痛NRS评分皆下降,3~6 h内NRS评分至少下降3分,24 h镇痛有效率为100%;在毒副作用的观察方面,24 h内发生急性呼吸抑制1例,1~2度急性呕吐5例,3度呕吐1例,头晕8例,经及时治疗后症状好转。 结论 对于中重度癌痛患者,相比于口服速效类阿片类药物或奥施康定等滴定镇痛,静脉滴定具有起效快、镇痛效果肯定等特点,对于住院的中重度癌痛患者,应用静脉滴定安全,毒副作用可控,值得进一步推广应用。
[关键词] 硫酸针;静脉滴定;癌痛
[] B[文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)27—0082—03
Clinical observation of intrenous morphine titration treatment in 13 patients with moderate/severe cancer pain
LIAO Yayong CHEN Yaocheng CHEN Suhong GUAN Jing
Department of Oncology,the Affiliated Jiangmen Hospital ofSouthern Medical University,Jiangmen 529000,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the effectiveness and adverse reaction of intrenous morphine titration treatment for moderate to severe pain with. Methods In this study,13 hospitalized patients with moderate or severe pain are treated with intrenous morphine titration,evaluating pain patients variations through Numerical Rating Scales(NRS) every 15 minutes,recording and processing the adverse reactions, and adjusting dose,calculating the cumulative dose of morphine Calculate 24 hours later,oral or tranucosal conversion to control pain. Results All patients’NRS scores are reduced in 0—3 hours,NRS score at least reduce three points in 3—6 hours, the pain relief rate was 100% in 24 hours;the commn toxicities were acute respiratory inhibition(1/13),1—2 degrees acute vomiting(5/13),3 degrees vomiting(1/13) and dizzy(8/13). With timely treatment,all these symptoms are under controlled. Conclusion For the patients with moderate to severe pain,compared to the oral opioid to titration analgesia, intrenous morphine titration work faster,has satiied results.For the hospitalized patients with moderate to severe pain,the applic摘自:写毕业论文经典网站www.808so.com
ation of intrenous morphine is safe,and the side effects are under controlled.So it is worth for further promotion and application.
[Key words] Sulfuric acid morphine injection;Intrenous morphine titration;Cancer pain
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摘自:毕业论文 格式www.808so.com

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