
更新时间:2024-02-06 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract: Language tranission network is a typical social network, the structure and dynamics of language networks he a significant impact on competition and the spread of the language. Therefore, using the language competition in the same area as the object of study, and then the paper proposed an Agentbased social circles network to build the social network closer to the actual language. The whole network parameters and structural parameters of individual networks he good social network characteristics. Agents in the network could be distributed to a social circles of different size. They can move, born and die, which led to the disconnection of previous links and the establishment of new contacts. Each Agent adopted one of three possible states: monolingual language in X, monolingual language in Y and bilingual language in Z, and tranitted horizontally and vertically. On the basis of the analysis of the language status, attractive parameter, the peak rate of horizontal and vertical tranission, the proportion of speakers on the impact of language competition, the article analyzed the impact of social interaction radius an基于Agent社会圈子网络的语言竞争模型相关论文由www.808so.com收集d social mobility on language competition. The simulation results indicate that compared with the static social network model, the proposed model iscloser to the actual society, and it can effectively increase the likelihood of coexistence between languages, provides a better environment for the study of the preservation of endangered language maintenance.
Key words: Agent; language competition; social circle network; dynamic network; language maintenance

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