
更新时间:2024-03-27 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Evaluation of Best Management Practices on Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution
MOU Xin-li1a,2,REN Jiang-lin1b,LIU Rui-min2
(1a. Key Laboratory of Water Environment Evolution and Pollution Control in Three Gorges Reservoir; b. Research Centre for Sustainable Development of Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: The best management practices(BMPs) of agricultural non-point source pollution with engineering methods and non-engineering methods were discussed. College students’ “culture, science and technology, health” to the country was a new non-engineering method for agricultural non-point source pollution management. environmental, social and economic factors was considered using the Pressure-State-Response(PSR) model. In order to evaluate the best management practices of agricultural non-point source pollution based on college students’ “culture, science and technology, health” to the country, each index was assigned by analytic hierarchy process. This evaluation system could reflect the effect of non-engineering management measures on the agricultural non-point source pollution. Then a theoretical foundation was provided for further development of agricultural non-point source pollution control.
Key words: agricultural non-point source pollution; “culture, science and technology, health” to the country; BMPs; PSR model; evaluation
在我国,社会经济的发展,农业面源污染使长江流域等湖泊水体富营养化日趋严重[3],即便是在干旱半干旱地区,农业面源污染情况也在加剧[4]。不同于点源污染的污水排放总量制约原则,农业面源污染更多的是综合治理的原则。其中以美国国家环保局、美国农业部提出的最佳管理措施(Best Management Practices,BMPs)在农业面源污染治理上最为成功[5]。BMPs是指工程性的策略非工程管理的措施减少水体的污染,其核心是防止削减农业面源污染的负荷,维持并推动农业生产中养分的利益最大化以及损失最小化,从而保护土壤资源并改善水体的水质[6]。

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