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【摘要】 目的:探讨西乡街道手外伤患者的术前心理和健教需求,并提出护理策略。策略:对438例手外伤患者的基本情况进行统计,调查患者术前心理状态和健康教育需求,并针对患者需求提出相应的护理策略。结果:53%以上患者对疼痛在意并担心手术效果及预后,30%以上患者存在抑郁、悲观、焦虑、恐惧情绪,70%~90%的患者希望得到手外伤的治疗、预防和功能康复等方面知识帮助,97%以上的患者希望得到病情变化的相关知识。结论:根据手外伤患者的术前心理和健康教育需求,提供合理的护理内容和护理健教知识,可以使患者保持健康的心理状态,积极配合手术治疗,有利于提高治疗效果。
【关键词】 手外伤; 心理和健教需求; 护理策略
B 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)13-0090-03
Needs for Preoperative Psychological and Health Education of Patients with Hand Injury and Nursing Countermeasures in Xixiang Street/YE Jing,CHEN Zhi-hua,LI Jing.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2014,12(13):90-92
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the preoperative psychological and health education needs of patients with hand injuries in Xixiang Street,and proposed nursing.Method:For the basic situation of 438 cases of patients with hand injuries statistics,surveys preoperative mental status and health education needs and propose appropriate responses to patient care needs.Result:More than 53% patients on pain care and worried about the effect of surgery and prognosis of patients with depression,pessimi,anxiety,fears more than 30%,70% to 90% patients wanted to get a hand injury treatment,prevention and rehabilitation and other aspects of knowledge help,more than 97% patients wanted to get knowledge of the condition changes.Conclusion:Based on the patient’s preoperative hand injury and psychological health education needs to provide reasonable care and nursing health education content knowledge,so that patients can maintain a healthy mental state, actively cooperate with the surgery,helping improve the therapeutic effect.
【Key words】 Hand injuries; Psychological and health education needs; Nursing Strategy
First-author’s address:Xixiang People’s Hospital in Baoan District of Shenzhen,Shenzhen 518102,China
1 临床资料
2012年6月-2013年 2月发生于西乡街道的劳务工手外伤共有438例,该类患者占西乡人民医院同期骨科患者的36.26%(438/1208)。年龄16~49岁,平均(25.0±11.3)岁。438例劳务工手外伤基本情况,详见表1。
2 需求调查
2.1 术前心理状态调查
表1 438例劳务工手外伤基本情况相关论文由www.808so.com收集

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