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[摘要] 目的 探讨精神科病房暴发流行性感冒疫情的理由及策略。 策略 选取本院一精神科病房流行性感冒疫情暴发的32例住院精神病患者,将其按年龄分为<40岁组和≥40岁组,按住院时间分为<90 d组和≥90 d组,按病程分为<3年组和≥3年组,按疾病类型分为精神分裂症组和其他精神障碍组。 结果 年龄<40岁和≥40岁组、住院时间<90 d和住院时间≥90 d组、病程<3年和病程≥3年组、精神分裂症与其他精神障碍组暴发流行性感冒的感染率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 患者年龄越大、住院时间越长、病程越长,精神分裂症患者更易被感染,应当根据专科易感因素制订合理的护理措施,加强住院患者的生活护理,积极引导患者进行适当的体育锻炼,增强机体抵抗力,改善病房管理,做好各项护理措施,积极控制感染和宣传防病意识,降低医院感染风险。
[关键词] 精神科病房;暴发流行性感冒;理由分析;护理策略
[] B [文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)08(b)-0187-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the cause and measures for epidemic situation of influenza outbreak in the psychiatric ward. Methods 32 psychiatric patients hospitalized in the first psychiatric ward of our hospital during influenza outbreak were selected and assigned to the <40 years old group and ≥40 years old group according to the age,the hospital stay<90 days group and the ≥90 days group according to the hospital stay,the course of disease<3 years group and ≥3 years group according to the course of disease,and the schizophrenia group and the group with other mental disorder according to the disease type. Results There was a statistical difference of infection rate of outbreaking the influenza between the age<40 years old group and ≥40 years old group,between the hospital stay<90 days group and the ≥90 days group,between the course of disease<3 years group and ≥3 years group,b精神科病房暴发流行性感冒疫情的原因及护理策略由优秀论文网站www.808so.com提供,助您写好论文.etween the schizophrenia group and the group with other mental disorder(P<0.01). Conclusion Patients with senility,long hospital stay,long course of disease and schizophrenia are more likely to get infected.Rational nursing measures should be developed according to susceptible factors of different specialties to strengthen life care for hospitalized patients,actively guide the patients appropriate exercises,enhance body immunity,improve ward management,properly implement various nursing measures,actively control the infection,publicize the awareness of disease prevention and reduce the risk of nosocomial infection.
[Key words] Psychiatric ward;Influenza outbreak;Cause analysis;Nursing measure
1 对象与策略
1.1 研究对象
1.2 策略
根据病历和检查进行筛查、诊断,确定流行性感冒患者,并登记患者的资料(年龄、住院时间、病程、诊断等)。将患者按年龄分为<40岁组和≥40岁组,按住院时间分为<90 d组和≥90 d组,按病程分为<3年组和病程≥3年组,按疾病类型分为精神分裂症和其他精神障碍组。精神科病房暴发流行性感冒疫情的原因及护理策略由提供海量免费论文范文的www.808so.com,希望对您的论文写作有帮助.rsingmeasure流行性感冒是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,传染性强,危害大。精神疾病是以精神活动紊乱为主要症状的疾病,患者对疾病一般缺乏自知力,无求治,生活没有规律,自理能力下降,精神病专科医院多为封闭式管理,患者较集中,且精神病患者多长期住院,机体抵抗力低,一旦发生流行性感冒,极易引起暴发流行。本研究 WWw.808so.com 808论文查重

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