
更新时间:2024-02-06 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract: Objective To explore the influence of negative emotion on the effect of operation during perioperative period and personalized psychological care strategy in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) from different educational background. Methods Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and Self-rating depression scale (SDS) were applied to evaluate the negative emotional status of 240 BPH patients with different educational level before (24h, 10min) and after (3d) transurethral resection of the prostate (TRUP) and its effect on the operational outcome. Results Most BPH patients showed tremendous anxiety and depression before operation, with higher educated patients displaying greater anxiety and depression versus less educated in different time point; BPH patients with higher educational level presented poorer operational outcome as compared with lower educational level, including longer postoperational pain duration, bladder irrigation time, catheterization time, and erage length of stay. However, no different rate of complication was found among patients with diverse educational background. Intervention of psychological nursing played less important role before TRUP but dramatically attenuated postoperatinal anxiety and depression, improving the outcome of operation, reducing the rate of complication, especially in patients with higher education level. Conclusion Apparent negative emotion exists in BPH patients with different educational background during perioperation period and affects the operational outcome to varying degree. Appropriate psychological intervention is needed and helpful to attenuate the negative emotion.
Keywords: benign prostate hyperplasia; negative emotion; psychological nursing; perioperation
良性前列腺增生(benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH)是导致老年男性排尿障碍最为常见的良性泌尿系疾病,发病年龄一般在50岁以后,各种民族、职业、教育背景及家庭经济水平的男性均可累及[1-3]。在治疗上,BHP首先可通过药物调整,但在药物制约无望时,手术是最终的解决方案。目前最常用的手术策略是经尿道前列腺电切除术(transurethral resection prostate,TURP)。传统观念认为,受教育时间较长的高级知识分子卫生意识强、理解能力好,容易与医务人员配合,故治疗效果好[4]。但在近来的泌尿外科医疗实践中,我们注意到实际情况似乎没那么乐观,不少文化层次高的BPH患者,往往由于过度的焦虑、抑郁以及对手术的恐惧,TURP的效果较差。本文旨在比较高、低文化层次BPH患者TURP手术前后的焦虑、抑郁状况,探讨其对手术效果及其并发症的影响,以期了解不同文化层次BPH患者的心理应况,更好的实施心理疏导,改善手术效果。不同文化层次前列腺良性增生患者负性情绪对围手术期的影响及其心理护理由优秀论文网站{#GetFullDomain}提供,助您写好论文.不同文化层次前列腺良性增生患者负性情绪对围手术期的影响及其心理护理相关论文由www.808so.com收集

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