
更新时间:2024-01-25 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract: objective: to ensure food security and increasing the farmers' income. Methods: the government releases of rural collective construction land circulation way, reduced recovery contracted land condition, speed up the urbanization into the city, a land scale management and to relax the land of agricultural use, the limit, the whole society to share the responsibility of food security, rural residents homestead should he the mortgage right. Results: in the basis of increasing the farmers' income protects the national food security. Conclusion: to the industrialization driving urbanization, industrialization driving the development of modern farming.
Keywords: economic zone construction; Food security
中图分类号:F762.1文献标识码:A 论文编号:
我国人口众多,土地资源尤其是耕地相对比较稀缺。-以上为可参考的写作提示,reducedrecoverycontractedlandcondition,speeduptheurbanizationintothecity,alandscalemanagementandtorelaxthelandofagriculturaluse,thelimit,thewholesocietytosharetheresponsibilityoffoodsecurity,ruralresidentshomesteadshouldhethemortgageright.Results:int WWw.808so.com 808论文查重

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