
更新时间:2024-03-13 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Shear Strength Properties of Loess on South Bank of Crossing the
Yellow River Project in the Middle Route of SouthtoNorth Water Diversion Project
XING Yichuan1,LIZhen2,ANPeng1
(1.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100048,China;
2.College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering,Northwest A & F University,Yangling 712100,China)
Abstract:In order to investigate the characteristics of loess on south bank of crossing the Yellow River Project in the Middle Route of SouthtoNorth Water Diversion Project,and the slope stability of loess under different working conditions to provide design support for the subsequent channel excation scheme,the strength tests of unsaturated loess were conducted in the study area.The experimental tests included the tests of physical properties of loess,the CU triaxial tests of saturated loess,the tests of soilwater characteristic curve,and the shear tests of unsaturated loess.The results showed that the loess in the study area is clay with low liquid limit,large quantity of silt,low waterholding capacity,and a suction internal friction angle of φb=758°.
Key words:Middle Route of SouthtoNorth Water Diversion Project;unsaturated loess;physical mechanics test;matrix suction;shear strength
南水北调中线穿黄工程南岸连接明渠长约5 km,位于邙山黄土丘陵区,为挖方渠道。渠道地面高程140~181 m,渠底高程111~112 m,边坡高度20~60 m;地下水位高程约102~140 m,埋深约4~61 m。边坡地层主要为中更新统冲积层(alQ2)、上更新统冲积层(alQ3)和全新统冲积层(alQ4)。
在桩号4+500以北,边坡高度超过40 m,原始地下水高出渠底约30 m,施工期将采用井点降水和施工开挖形成临空面降低地下水位,但由于边坡黄土渗透系数较小,降水之后边坡土体的含水率依然较高,抗剪强度指标较低。为了查明穿黄工程南岸黄土的工程性质,研究不同工况下的黄土边坡稳定性,并为后续渠道开挖方案的确定提供设计依据,迫切需要开展该区的非饱和黄土强度试验研究。
原状土样的密度采用环刀法测定,含水率采用烘干法测定。试验结果为:⑨夹层原状土样的含水率平均值为212%,干密度的平均值为1.45 g/cm3,孔隙比的平均值为085,孔隙率的平均值为45.9%,饱和度的平均值为670%;⑨-1层原状土样的含水率平均值为14.4%,干密度的平均值为1.43 g/cm3,孔隙比的平均值为0.88,孔隙率的平均值为46.8%,饱和度的平均值为44.0%。
⑨夹层饱和黄土的总应力强度指标c=31.8 kPa,φ=128°,有效应力强度指标c′=17.2 kPa,φ′=27.2°。
⑨-1层饱和黄土的总应力强度指标c=25.1 kPa,φ=12.6°,有效应力强度指标c′=17.5 kPa,φ′=27.4°。

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