
更新时间:2024-02-04 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
In recent years, many famous stars he been hired by universities. People hold different opinions about this.
For those who are in for of it, hiring famous stars can encourage students who are their fans. What’s more, it can also make the university better known. However, others are against it. In their opinion, not hing received any training on how to be a good teacher, the stars can’t do the job well. Besides, they are too busy to really communicate with students.
As far as I am concerned, hiring stars can benefit students by teaching what they can’t learn in books. But the university should be careful and strict when picking a star. They should choose the ones that he received special training and can be devoted to teaching.
正反阐释型(advantages and / or disadvantages)作文教学设计
Should…? Opinions are divided on the question. /Different people hold different opinions.
People he taken different attitudes towards …
le he different opinions on this problem.
On the contrary,others hold a different view.
However, each coin has two sides.
On the other hand, people object that ….
in my view / opinion,
As for me, …
As far as I am concerned,
I agree with…
I think,
Structure Analysing
Firstly, …. Secondly, …. …
First of all/For a start
Besides/ What’s more
In the end/At last/Last but not least/In short/In conclusion/In a word
For one reason, …?For another reason, …
On one hand…, on the other hand …
However,/On the contrary,
Lexical Analysing
支持:agree with
stand by
be in for/support of
be for
(湖北省潜江市园林二中 湖北 潜江 433100)
近年来,中考作文试题讲求全面对接中学生生活,强调表达真情实感,鼓励学生表露自己的真实情怀,真正做到“说真话、实话、心里话,不说假话、空话、套话”(《语文课程标准》)。这样,才能实现“引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感”的目标。因此,在内容选择上,命题者常着眼于自我与成长、素质与情感、社会与生活、想像与创新能力等四个方面。一是自我与成长类。 基本做法就是在命题作文中常以“我”为中心拟定,比如自我类:“我和 ”、“我多么想 ”、“我的特长”、“我终于战胜了 ”、“ 有我”、“为自己而骄傲”、“我们这些人”等。又比如成长类:“第一次”、“秘密”、“个性”、“离开”、“朋友”、“回答”、“作好准备”、“实践能力”等为话题作文,内容上贴近学生的成长经历,密切联系他们的生活实际,他们体会最深,感受也多,容易下笔。 二是素质与情感类。 比如以“感受快乐”、“喜欢”、“兑现诺言”、“美德”、“珍爱”、“吃苦”、“合作”。“心怀感激”、“追求”、“宽容”、“体谅”、“温暖”、“友好”、“满足”、“健康”等为话题写作,就能够引导学生关注人性人情中美好的事物和美好的情感,让考生在深入思考中加深对真、善、美的体验和向往。 三是社会与生活类。 比如以“交往”、“贫困”。“公开”、“帮助”、“关注”、“动力”、“支持”、“读书”。“家”、“书”、“回忆”、“细节”、“精彩”、“习惯”、“学习”、“水”等为话题写作,可以引导学生关注身边的热点话题,放眼社会生活。 四是想像与创新类。 如何能在不到60分钟时间里写出一篇600字以上的优秀作文来?这是每个临考学生最为关切的问题,通过对近几年来多篇中考满分作文的分析,发现满分作文有以下一些特点。
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